Program Overview for Food
The “Promise of Hope” is a Food program that supports orphanages by providing essential supplies for daily nourishment. This includes distributing rice bags and food plates and ensuring access to nutritious meals. Our commitment to nourishing food helps orphanage children thrive and reach their full potential.
The distribution of rice bags aids by our foundation plays a vital role in ensuring that orphanages can provide daily nourishment to the children under their care, addressing their basic needs for food and sustenance. By keeping the children fed, we contribute to their overall well-being and support their growth, allowing them to thrive and focus on their personal development. SEE SCHEDULE
Food plates relief for orphanages serve the primary purpose of providing a practical and hygienic way to serve nutritious meals to the children, ensuring they receive the sustenance they need for their growth and well-being. These plates contribute to organized and efficient food distribution, creating a positive experience that supports the children’s overall health and development. SEE SCHEDULE
The Answers to Your Questions
Our goal is eradicating hunger for orphaned children through nourishing with rice bags and food plates.
- Enhance Growth and Development
- Improved Health to better physical conditioning
- Increased resilience to withstand challenges
- Enhanced Learning to focus better on education
- Stronger Immunity helps defend against diseases
- Restore a sense of dignity to thrive and engage
- Reduce anxiety related to food insecurity
- Contributes to a healthier and caring for all
Where can orphanages register for the Free Food Program?
Please go to the Nutritious Assistance Program. Then, click the Sign-Up Forms Tab. You will select the relevant food program that apply to your orphanage needs. Send back the completed forms to the email address provided.
Does my orphanage needs to pay to receive food services?
Our food programs are free of charge for orphanages registered with us.
How are the food services possible for orphanages?
We have established valuable partnerships with both local and international food donors, working together to address the needs of underserved orphanage communities. These collaborations allow us to leverage resources and expertise, ensuring that nutritious meals reach those who need them the most.