Open the door to profound impact by joining hands with the Mary K. Yap Foundation as an event sponsor. Shape powerful and enriching gatherings that bring joy to orphans, inspiring lasting transformation and sowing the seeds of positive change.
Campaign Summary:
As the economic prices increase, many things are getting more expensive. Thus, we should think of ways for orphanages to lessen their daily operating expenditures and enrich them with sustainable solutions. Therefore, the Foundation organizes a “First Seed” campaign, a Sustainable Development Project. The idea behind the program is for the orphanage partner to provide a garden where the participants can plant healthy organic fruits and vegetables. The primary goal is to reduce orphanage dependency on kitchen expenses while saving money. The program also aims to help orphaned children be healthy by absorbing nutrients and natural vitamins from organic fruits and vegetables grown at their sites.
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As the economic prices increase, many things are getting more expensive. Thus, we should think of ways for orphanages to lessen their daily operating expenditures and enrich them with sustainable solutions. Therefore, the Foundation organizes a “First Seed” campaign, a Sustainable Development Project. The idea behind the program is for the orphanage partner to provide a garden where the participants can plant healthy organic fruits and vegetables. The primary goal is to reduce orphanage dependency on kitchen expenses while saving money. The program also aims to help orphaned children be healthy by absorbing nutrients and natural vitamins from organic fruits and vegetables grown at their sites.

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Dictum fusce ut placerat orci nulla. At auctor urna nun id cursus metus

Dwayt Harder
VOLUNTEERAt auctor urna nun id cursus metus convallis aliquam posuere eleifend.Dictum fusce ut placerat orci nulla.